Core human Needs
- Well-being: Air
- Well-being: Climate
- Well-being: Clothing
- Well-being: Excretion
- Well-being: Exercise
- Well-being: Food
- Well-being: Health
- Well-being: Movement
- Well-being: Rest/sleep
- Well-being: Safety
- Well-being: Safety from accidents/illness
- Well-being: Sexual expression
- Well-being: Shelter
- Well-being: Touch
- Well-being: Water
- Well-being: Temperature
- Peace: Accepting Self
- Peace: Beauty
- Peace: Communion
- Peace: Ease
- Peace: Equality
- Peace: Harmony
- Peace: Inspiration
- Peace: Order
- Autonomy: Choice
- Autonomy: Financial security
- Autonomy: Freedom
- Autonomy: Independence
- Autonomy: Space
- Autonomy: Spontaneity
- Connection: Acceptance
- Connection: Affection
- Connection: Appreciation
- Connection: Belonging
- Connection: Closeness
- Connection: Communication
- Connection: Community
- Connection: Companionship
- Connection: Compassion
- Connection: Consideration
- Connection: Consistency
- Connection: Cooperation
- Connection: Empathy
- Connection: Family
- Connection: Friendships
- Connection: Inclusion
- Connection: Intimacy
- Connection: Love
- Connection: Mutuality
- Connection: Nurturing
- Connection: Respect/self-respect
- Connection: Security
- Connection: Stability
- Connection: Support
- Connection: To know and be known
- Connection: To see and be seen
- Connection: To understand and be understood
- Connection: Trust
- Honesty: Authenticity
- Honesty: Integrity
- Honesty: Presence
- Meaning: Awareness
- Meaning: Beliefs
- Meaning: Celebration of life
- Meaning: Challenge
- Meaning: Clarity
- Meaning: Competence
- Meaning: Consciousness
- Meaning: Contribution
- Meaning: Creativity
- Meaning: Curiosity
- Meaning: Discovery
- Meaning: Effectiveness
- Meaning: Efficacy
- Meaning: Fulfilment
- Meaning: Growth
- Meaning: Happiness
- Meaning: Hope
- Meaning: Learning
- Meaning: Mourning
- Meaning: Participation
- Meaning: Purpose
- Meaning: Self-expression
- Meaning: Self-transcendence
- Meaning: Stimulation
- Meaning: Thinking
- Meaning: To matter
- Meaning: Understanding
- Meaning: Values
- Play: Humour
- Play: Joy
Based on © 2005 by Center for Nonviolent Communication Website: