Core human Needs

  1. Well-being: Air
  2. Well-being: Climate
  3. Well-being: Clothing
  4. Well-being: Excretion
  5. Well-being: Exercise
  6. Well-being: Food
  7. Well-being: Health
  8. Well-being: Movement
  9. Well-being: Rest/sleep
  10. Well-being: Safety
  11. Well-being: Safety from accidents/illness
  12. Well-being: Sexual expression
  13. Well-being: Shelter
  14. Well-being: Touch
  15. Well-being: Water
  16. Well-being: Temperature
  17. Peace: Accepting Self
  18. Peace: Beauty
  19. Peace: Communion
  20. Peace: Ease
  21. Peace: Equality
  22. Peace: Harmony
  23. Peace: Inspiration
  24. Peace: Order
  25. Autonomy: Choice
  26. Autonomy: Financial security
  27. Autonomy: Freedom
  28. Autonomy: Independence
  29. Autonomy: Space
  30. Autonomy: Spontaneity
  31. Connection: Acceptance
  32. Connection: Affection
  33. Connection: Appreciation
  34. Connection: Belonging
  35. Connection: Closeness
  36. Connection: Communication
  37. Connection: Community
  38. Connection: Companionship
  39. Connection: Compassion
  40. Connection: Consideration
  41. Connection: Consistency
  42. Connection: Cooperation
  43. Connection: Empathy
  44. Connection: Family
  45. Connection: Friendships
  46. Connection: Inclusion
  47. Connection: Intimacy
  48. Connection: Love
  49. Connection: Mutuality
  50. Connection: Nurturing
  51. Connection: Respect/self-respect
  52. Connection: Security
  53. Connection: Stability
  54. Connection: Support
  55. Connection: To know and be known
  56. Connection: To see and be seen
  57. Connection: To understand and be understood
  58. Connection: Trust
  59. Honesty: Authenticity
  60. Honesty: Integrity
  61. Honesty: Presence
  62. Meaning: Awareness
  63. Meaning: Beliefs
  64. Meaning: Celebration of life
  65. Meaning: Challenge
  66. Meaning: Clarity
  67. Meaning: Competence
  68. Meaning: Consciousness
  69. Meaning: Contribution
  70. Meaning: Creativity
  71. Meaning: Curiosity
  72. Meaning: Discovery
  73. Meaning: Effectiveness
  74. Meaning: Efficacy
  75. Meaning: Fulfilment
  76. Meaning: Growth
  77. Meaning: Happiness
  78. Meaning: Hope
  79. Meaning: Learning
  80. Meaning: Mourning
  81. Meaning: Participation
  82. Meaning: Purpose
  83. Meaning: Self-expression
  84. Meaning: Self-transcendence
  85. Meaning: Stimulation
  86. Meaning: Thinking
  87. Meaning: To matter
  88. Meaning: Understanding
  89. Meaning: Values
  90. Play: Humour
  91. Play: Joy

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